
Doctor's Orders is a twine-based, text-adventure game featuring a plenitude of adult interactions between you (the player-character) and the resident physician of a local clinic. There are multiple endings and it will be up to you to navigate the story to a satisfactory conclusion. If you are a swift reader, a single playthrough likely won't last you ten minutes. Fifteen at the outside.

How to Play

The main menu (above) features detailed instructions (albeit brief ones) on how to play. You will progress through the story through a combination of reading associated passages, selecting an option from a list of choices representing how you wish to proceed, and repeating until the narrative concludes. If you would prefer to play in full-screen, you may do so by selecting the appropriate icon in the bottom-right corner of the game window (above).


Doctor's Orders is my first (finished) adult-themed project. As such, I fully anticipate errors both grammatical and ludological in nature. It pains me to think that such issues may arise during your playthrough, but I am confident that I would never publish anything if I were too focused on polishing a project until no errors remained.

That said, I am committed to ensuring this game is functional. While I may be unable to resolve every problem that occurs during your session, I will make a concerted effort to correct catastrophic issues which prevent the story from being completed. Doctor's Orders contains many permutations and, while I have done my level best to test for all of them, I fear there may be bugs which have escaped my notice. If you encounter such a flaw, you would do me a great favor if you would post a comment or email me at LarsTorni@gmail.com to describe it.


As of February 2024, this project is no longer being maintained by the author. It will remain available on this platform for the time being, but is subject to removal at some point in the future. If you wish to keep a copy for personal use, you are encouraged to do so. No further updates will be made to this project. If you are having an issue, you may reach out via email at LarsTorni@gmail.com, but please expect a delayed response.

Please enjoy!

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(106 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsAdult, Erotic, Multiple Endings, NSFW, Short, Singleplayer, Text based, Twine
Average sessionA few minutes


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I know this is one of your older projects, however I just found it for the very first time.

I loved the story, this was an absolutely engulfing story, once I started I could not stop until I made it to the end.

  • True end

You earned the True End which, as far as this designer is concerned, is the ultimate denouement of this title.

I hope you continue to write more.

tho I read some complaints from some trans people about not liking F*tanari stories... I am also Trans, I love these type of stories with all of my heart and soul. I only Wish I could find more amazing stories as this one. Please never give up your amazing writing abilities because of a few needy Nay sayers. You are a gifted and Talented artist, Thank you for sharing such a fun story. 

Much Love  <3<3<3<3


Oh, wow! This might be the most positive comment I have ever received; thank you for taking the time to post! I've got other ideas for projects, but I work slow and often bite off more than I can chew, which is a personal problem I'm working on.

As for the complaints, I must admit I was not aware anyone would take umbrage with that word. My intent was that if (and only if) the player makes that choice, the Doctor would be a hermaphrodite. Since my [limited] understanding is that the word in question comes from the Japanese for "two genders," I felt it would apply. In future, I'll try to include options to replace verbiage of that nature, so each player can make that decision for themselves.

If you have the time, it would be very helpful to know what, specifically, you liked about the game. I do write for my own leisure, but I prefer when others enjoy the results, as well. Doctor's Orders is, by far, my most popular work—and, while I have a few ideas, I don't fully understand why. Thank you again for stopping by, and I hope you have a fantastic day!


i enjoyed it RIGHT UP UNTIL the "secret technique".

I have relatively recent experience with similar enough, when i was in the hospital. They said they could hear my shouts of pain from the halls, and i am no stranger to wacky pain. 💀 

Still a nice read!

Sorry to hear it! Nothing worse than enjoying something, only for it to take a sudden left-turn right at the very end.

No worries, I am glad you lot get something good out of it. 

I have had my parts bullied by catheter before though and uh... wouldn't recommend. To each their own. 🫣


loved this! id like to see that dinner date at the end, but the game was flawless even without it

Thank you very much for your kind words! :)


Waiting for people to stop fetishizing trans women or intersex people and calling them "f*tanari"


Agreed. I'm trans and the term is so degrading and unkind.


A very interesting game to play, and I appreciate the options that went into the customization, and the uncommon way you chose to do it! It's a bit impossible at present to really play a shy or withdrawn character, though -- I'd argue that the dialogue available takes away immersion from attempts to even play as inexperienced, since they'd need a bit more than is there to explain [i]why[/i] the player's character is so confident and self-assured as to say those things. Is that something you're uncomfortable writing, or something you simply overlooked during development and testing?



Thank you for your kind words. I honestly don't remember if it ever crossed my mind to write the player character that way. Maybe it was my original intent to allow for that but, if I had to guess, I was probably just minding my limits. Although it's a short game, it took me several months to create (personal incompetence plus limited free time equals long development cycle) and there came a point where I had to mentally restrain myself from adding new features to prevent it taking well over a year to produce.

I wish I could answer your question in greater detail but, honestly, my memory is quite poor and it has been a little while since I last worked on this project. Hopefully, that lack of choice wasn't too off-putting; I'm trying to inject as many player-driven options into my newer games as I can but, like I said, I have to mind my limits, too.

Have a great day!



Hi! I'm enjoying the game and wanted to say thanks! 

Would it be OK to ask a few questions/make a few suggestions. 

1, would it be possible to add the option of the player being a man with a vulva or a woman with a penis. 

2, would it be possible to add more detail to the sections which mention testicular pain? Perhaps some biting or use of medical implements? 

3, it would be interesting to have the option of a doctor without a vulva (male or trans female, as opposed to a hermaphrodite). 

4, could there be an option for the climax to occur during anal penetration? It would be more immersive for those playing a passive/receptive character.

5, finally, it would be interesting if there was an option for the doctor to diagnose that there was something wrong with the players testicles and for the climax scene to focus on ballbusting/cbt. 

I understand if any of these are too hard to implement or you are not comfortable with them. I just wanted to put forward some ideas and let you know that the game is very interesting and enjoyable thus far. 

Keep up the good work! 


Thank you for taking the time to post your comment. I will, of course, answer your questions to the best of my ability:

  1. This is something I'm trying to add to my games going forward (i.e. the ability to play as a man, woman, or a person with any combination of gender-specific body parts). It is, unfortunately, too much for me to retroactively add this feature to my published games (as doing so would very nearly require the game to be recreated from the ground-up). That said, it's an excellent idea and one that I intend to implement in future.
  2. I do my best to strike a balance between publishing content that appeals to others as well as myself. My personal interest in CBT is somewhat limited and I am not sure I could push myself to write this kind of scene. Not that it isn't an idea worth pursuing, just that it may be too far beyond my own tastes to do justice to the subject matter.
  3. I agree! This response dovetails off #1: in future, my goal would be to allow for more "gender customisation" of both the player character and any significant characters they deal with. Unfortunately, such a heavy level of customisation comes at the cost of greatly complicating the design and implementation of any project, so I have to mind my limits when deciding what can/cannot be tailored to the player's liking.
  4. This is a wonderful idea that I wish I'd had while writing Doctor's Orders. By now, however, I'm afraid I must move on from this project (beyond repairing broken sequences and basic maintenance). Nothing will ever be perfect, I suppose; all I can really do now is take this advice to heart for the next story I create.
  5. Another interesting idea that, I'm sorry to say, would cost too much time to retroactively add to this game. I do intend to write in additional modes of climax in future projects but, just as I mentioned in #3, I have to mind my limits when adding scenes like this. Every choice with knock-on effects greatly increases the amount of work it takes to publish the project (and, truthfully, I have already discarded a handful of titles due to this exact problem).

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to write! Every comment received makes it easier to push myself to continue producing content. I hope you did not find any of my answers to be especially negative. Your ideas are both valid and creative; it is with regret that I cannot do more than offer you this response.

I hope you have a wonderful day!


Thank you for getting back to me. 

I appreciate and understand your responses. I look forward to seeing if any of my suggestions influence your future work.

loved this game, I hope you keep making games.


How kind of you to say! Although my work has slowed down my efforts a little, I definitely intend to continue producing interactive fiction.

Have a great day!


Deleted 3 years ago


Thank you so much for your kind words! I am working on something else now that I hope, when released, will be equally enjoyable to you. I sincerely appreciate you taking time out of your day to leave me a compliment :)


Is there a downloadable version? I like to keep a local version of the games I particularly enjoy.

I just added a separate file to the page with the suffix "downloadable". I was able to download this version and play it directly, but please let me know if you encounter any difficulty!


Not sure if it is just my game or what but when I clicked to run game it immediately shows: 

"Dr. Sexbomb gently removes your catheter, expeditiously applies plentiful lubrication to her exposed manhood,then mounts you. There's no elegance in the action this time; it's clear she won't hold back. Her hands find their way to your chest, her full weight bearing down on your bosom."

I have to click through to to the end and only by going to the bonus screen am I able to get to the main menu.

Also I forgot to bring this up earlier but I had a question about some text just before the examination. 

"Leaving you thus exposed, the doctor wheels a cart to one side of the table. Laid upon it are the same instruments of sexual fantasy observed upon first entering—each one growing in scale as they march from left to right."

I don't remember the cart, much less the items on it, being mentioned before. 

There is also no mention of the doctor pulling out of whichever orifice after her inspection. Just thought that could add a nice bit of depth and detail to the story.

"Dr. Xx raises her hips, almost permitting your member to quit her warmth, then forcefully strikes downward again. Her testes slap loudly; she gasps coquettishly. Suddenly, by some miracle of acrobatic balance, one of the doctor's hands finds its way to your scrotum. Despite this auxiliary action, at no point do her hips cease their indefatigable ricocheting."

Is it really a marvel of acrobatics if she is riding you reverse cowgirl?

"Dr. Xx gently removes your catheter, turns away from you—exposing her buttocks—then seats herself between your legs—one hand hastily guiding you into her womanhood."

If she removed the catheter, wouldn't whatever it was holding back come rushing out? Maybe have it where the bulb that seals the urethra stay when the catheter is removed.

Sorry for the laundry list of issues.

Good day!

I simply cannot believe the mistake that I made but, while testing, I neglected to revert some variables prior to my last update, which is what caused the initial error you reported above. As for your other comments, I will need more time to review everything---as I don't wish to repeat the issue just described, which was brought on by too much haste on my part.

Thank you again for continuing to make me aware of these problems!


Happy to help! 

I'm not sure if it's because I'm playing on a phone, Galaxy S9 and using Chrome browser, but when I try to get throat fucked the text stops and I can't scroll down further than the Dr saying "Mm, so warm."

I have also tried running the page in desktop mode, but the problem still persists.

In addition I noticed an issue with the text color returning to default upon reaching an ending and choosing the play again option.

Great job on your first adult game, I'm looking forward to seeing more from you.

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

Hello again! I believe I have corrected* both issues. I stupidly left out two commands which left concomitant passages invisible, so your chosen device was decidedly not the culprit! Thank you kindly for alerting me to this problem; if you encounter any others, you would be doing me a service to highlight them.

As for the text color, that has been updated, too! Upon completing a playthrough, your selected color will no longer revert to red.

I appreciate your kind words, and hope this obstacle did not detract too greatly from your overall experience.

Have a wonderful day!


(2 edits)

It didn't detract from the gameplay, it just left me wondering if something was missing or not implemented yet.

Did a quick run through, everything looks good.


Found another issue. If you choose the futa option there is a discrepancy "She plunges her silicone instrument into you with reckless abandon". The whole paragraph and the doctors dialogue seems to be from her as a full female and not a futanari.

Also I found a small typo. When the doctor is straddling you it says "Dr. Monalott's balls pushagainst your". 

Again keep up the great work Lars.

Well, shoot. I was hoping that was the only errant bug I had missed. I will have to look more thoroughly at the project when I can throw more than a lunch break at it!

As for the spacing issue, it's one I am well aware of, but simply lack the competence to resolve. This project took me quite some time to complete (I work slowly, ha ha) and, partway through, twine got its first update in what must have been, without hyperbole, ten-thousand years. Said update is what I believe has caused the issue with words being pressed up against one another like that. I spent countless hours trying to resolve the problem, only for some instances to endure (despite being constructed fundamentally identically to other passages I was successfully able to correct). Though it really does pain me to keep errors such as that in play, I fear I must leave it as-is unless some twine wizard ambles along and suggest and exact resolution.

All that said, I do appreciate you running back through it, even though I'm sure that was time you could have spent on your own leisure. It is polite individuals who both offer praise and highlight issues, such as yourself (and everyone who has posted ere now), who really make posting a project such as this one worthwhile.

I'll get back to you (probably this weekend)!


It was no problem at all to run through it again, even if bladder inflation isn't my thing, I was happy to help. And it was at my leisure that I did it 😁.

Take your time, there is no rush. As long as you are passionate about the project that is all that matters, just keep up the quality content and more praise will follow.

Very enjoyable read!

I love your writing style and diction. The customization options and the fine details were very nice to see and really helped me get into it.

Thank you for the very stimulating read. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

I'm so glad to hear you found it entertaining! For my next project, I'm aiming to develop something with actual graphics. It's a time-consuming process for me, since I can only work in my limited spare time. That said, I hope the next one will be equally enjoyable to you!




Ok so thanks for showing me kinks I didn't know I had, I guess??

This is insanely hot - and a really clean game for the first adult one you've completed! The options are customised enough to make it fun and I like that you added notes to the endings in the extra section. It's the little details that go a long way!

I really appreciate the suggestions for the doctor's name and the pet-name, too. Cute mix of relatively normal stuff and some very cheesy names, and way too many people seem to expect players to just have a set of names off the top of their heads.

I didn't spot any problems or bugs playing. The only "issue" I had is that you have to complete a session to restart. Not a problem, just something that'd be cool to include in a future project - or make more obvious, if I'm just missing it!

Thanks for making this! I uhh really enjoyed it<3<3<3


Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot that you would go out of your way to offer such an in-depth response.

I completely agree about the ability to restart the session without having to complete a whole playthrough. I'm no Twine wizard, however, and wasn't entirely certain how to handle that without leaving the "go back" feature that's included by default (which I'm no fan of). Plus, I was aiming to get this project out the door before I lost my nerve and chickened out!

Have a wonderful day!


<3 No problem at all!

I totally get that, Twine is really straight forward right up until it really isn't. I'm super glad you didn't lose your nerve though!

Right back at you:)

Good day! I wanted to follow up on one of your original comments: I have added a "reset story" button that can be used to revert the game-state at any time once the player gets past the disclaimer at the start. Thank you very much for your suggestion!


Thank you so much! I just replayed and it's honestly even hotter than I remembered...