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I like this one and the one with the doctor the most, I hope you make more Inflation fetish novels like these one, because they are written very well^^

wouldn´t mind if the people can be inflated bigger than what we have now but thats just personal preference^^ 



Thank you kindly for your warm words. I certainly hope to continue writing projects, and I'll see about incorporating your request. The maximum possible inflation in this one is probably around my personal limit, taste-wise, but who knows?

Have a wonderful day,


(1 edit)

If you tell the person you're helping that you're using your own semen, she says later when you ask if she remembers the rules that you said you were using horse's…
This may also apply to other semen options…

Edit: The game is literally unplayable after the first time unless you fully reset the story.


Good day!

Thank you kindly for reporting this matter. I found the culprit to be a Boolean value that should have been set to "false" and was, instead, "true." I also decided to move the section about the "Academy rules" further into the same section, and to outright hide it if the player chooses animal semen earlier in the game (I tried re-writing it, but wasn't happy with the outcome). The new version is uploaded and playable now.

As for the game becoming unplayable, would you be good enough to elaborate? I tested a few different methods of play, but the "new game" and "continue" options remained available to me at the appropriate times. Any details you could provide would be helpful in squashing this bug.

Have a wonderful day!


After you complete the first playthrough, the second playthrough is completely different, asking six or so questions. After you run out of questions, you can no longer play the game without a hard reset as there are no new options to progress.

Good morning!

Thank you for clarifying; I believe the issue has been resolved. The game was not resetting itself (at all) after a playthrough, which caused the problem. I am, frankly, astounded at my own oversight. Regardless, I owe you my gratitude for pointing this out to me. Not only was this a frustration for the player, testing it helped me encounter a game-breaking bug that has also been squashed. I went through the game three times and everything now seems to work as it should.

Thank you very much!


Those questions only ever showed up on a second playthrough for me… Were they not intended to be included?

Hello again!

Those questions only appear during "chapter 1: the fundamentals" if you ask your companion "if she's nervous." If, instead, you "tell her you're ready to begin," you'll never see them (regardless of whether you're on your first playthrough or your tenth). Maybe it wasn't the best design decision but I figured, if a player wanted to jump right into the naughty bits, they should be allowed to.

If you, personally, never see the option to "ask if she's nervous," or if you do select it and don't see the choices that come afterward (e.g. "why she wants to join the Academy", "her opinion on training"), let me know! I've tested it just now and it works for me, but that doesn't mean it works for everybody.

Thank you again for your time and attention!
